Aero Ranger in your pocket


Your Mobile Companion for on-the-go Vehicle Management

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Standard Features

Unlimited users

Unlimited vehicle scans

Unlimited vehicle rules

Unlimited vehicle alerts

Unlimited vehicle tickets

Unlimited parking permits

Unlimited parking violations

Unlimited parking zones

Unlimited parking surveys

Unlimited ultra resolution mapping

Integration Agnostic

Overstays calculated for you

Aero Ranger's system automatically identifies vehicles that have overstayed their allocated parking time within a designated zone. This is achieved by comparing the time a car enters a zone against the set parking time limit..

Compliance management

Revolutionising the way businesses manage compliance, offering a streamlined, efficient solution that simplifies the entire process. With our cutting-edge technology and user-friendly platform, Aero Ranger empowers organisations to ensure they meet regulatory requirements with ease

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Zones on the fly

The Aero Pocket App is designed to work effortlessly with Aero Ranger's vehicle management system. This integration allows for real-time monitoring and management of vehicles directly from your smartphone.

Works with your
Aero Vehicle

The Aero Pocket App is designed to work effortlessly with Aero Ranger's vehicle management system. This integration allows for real-time monitoring and management of vehicles directly from your smartphone.

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Take advantage of our 30-day free trial and start managing vehicles on your iPhone or Android.

Managing vehicles has never been easier with our intelligent AI scanning and categorisation tools.