Tips for Using ANPR Cameras During Bad Weather

During the current Australian stormy weather, the licence plate detection (LPD) function of licence plate recognition (LPR) cameras might not be working at its optimal capacity as ANPR cameras rely on a clear view of license plates in order to work properly. This is because the cameras use optical character recognition (OCR) to read the characters on the plate. If the plate is obscured by dirt, rain, snow, or other debris, the camera will not be able to read it properly. So it is important to be aware that ANPR cameras may have reduced visibility in bad weather, and to keep an eye on the camera and its surroundings.

The Aero Ranger ANPR cameras are waterproof and can be taken out for digital chalking or to collect data in any weather conditions. Our best advice is to quickly clean the camera lenses with a cloth before taking the vehicle for a drive, this will help remove anything that may stop reads from being collected.

The next bit of advice is to have the Capture ALPR iOS application visible to you from your iPhone. The Captured ALPR & ANPR data is automatically and securely sent from the iPhone to the Aero Ranger Cloud over the air with instant real-time alerts being sent back when the captured data matches a registered hotlist record. The Captured meta data includes the street address, date and time, device ID, GPS co-ordinates and a photo snapshot. If the photos come back unclear or you stop receiving reads, it may be possible that all you need to do is clean the camera lenses.

The stormy weather can put a stop to manual chalking but with Aero Ranger and by following the tips above, you can ensure that you are still able to chalk and that the ANPR camera will continue to work properly even in bad weather conditions.

By keeping the camera protected from the elements and ensuring that the lens is clean, you can ensure that the ANPR camera will be able to read license plates correctly, even in poor visibility conditions. By doing so, you can help to keep yourself and others safe on the road.


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