Western Australian integrated transport strategy approved

The Town of Vic Park Council has approved the final version of the Integrated Transport Strategy and Parking Management Plan. This document, which was awarded by the Planning Institute of Australia last year, outlines a highly progressive direction for Transport and Parking in Perth's inner east providing a range of signature projects and programs, a clear list of advocacy and partnership actions as well the categorisation of the local network using a movement and place framework.

The Strategy also includes mode shift targets and has been designed to work hand in hand with the Town's Local Planning Strategy, Urban Forest Strategy and Climate Emergency Plan. We have a number of projects underway from the Strategy already all with the intent of making Vic Park a great place to live, visit and invest.

#lovevicpark #placesforpeople #15mincity

Fantastic work by Caden McCarthy Harriet Farminer James Pearse Sebastian Davies-Slate

Check out the documents here!



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The applications of Intelligent transportation systems (ITS)