Northamptonshire Police stops 143 people in three-day ANPR operation

Following the installation of £1.3 million worth of cameras last year to form a "ring of steel" around the county, the findings are in.

Northamptonshire Police have announced that they carried out a three-day Mobile ANPR operation across Northamptonshire, resulting in 143 stops and 26 arrests. The Mobile ANPR system is fitted to the front of patrol cars and uses cameras to automatically detect number plates on passing vehicles.

50 Northamptonshire Police officers were used as part of the ANPR network for three days to track down vehicles connected with one of the force's four main priorities – knife crime, serious and organized crime, domestic abuse, and anti-social behaviour.

Within three days, police conducted a sweep targeting individuals with outstanding warrants. During the operation, which took place in December 2018, authorities seized 44 cars and 26 people were arrested. There were 43 citations issued and 29 warnings given out during the same period. Within that time period, they also made 36 vehicle stops and identified 16 traffic infractions.

During one stop in Bants Lane, Northampton, of a man suspected of selling Class A drugs, the suspect fled from officers but didn't get very far because Police Dog Ebby and her handler PC Ash Price were dispatched to the scene, where they discovered the man huddled next to a garden shed. The 33-year-old was detained.

Officers arrested people for a range of offences, including breaches of Non-Molestation Orders and Domestic Violence Protection Orders, supplying drugs, brandishing weapons in public, driving while disqualified.

In Northampton town centre, there was an arrest of a wanted man for an unprovoked violent attack who was found in the same vehicle as to the damaged one.

Chief Constable Nick Adderley said: "This was a successful operation which has seen 26 arrests and the seizure of a number of vehicles. The Mobile ANPR system is proving to be an invaluable tool in our fight against crime and I'd like to thank everyone who took part."

It's reassuring to see that Northamptonshire Police are using all the tools at their disposal to crack down on crime, especially as we head into 2019. With more Mobile ANPR cameras being rolled out across the county, it's only going to get better!

  • Mobile ANPR is proving to be an invaluable tool in our fight against crime

  • The operation resulted in 26 arrests and 44 cars seized

  • Breaches of Non-Molestation Orders and Domestic Violence Protection Orders among offences

  • Northamptonshire Police using all tools at their disposal to crack down on crime in the New Year

UK Public Sector (@UKPublicSector) January 11, 2019
Northampton Chronicle
Northants Police


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